Free Workout Archives - Page 14 of 26 - Journal of Mountain Hunting

Pre-Season, Block 5, Day 4

Running is still in the program and it will stay in the program. You never know when you’re going to need to run. For something, from something, or for another person, running is key to

Pre-Season, Block 5, Day 3

Today we’re testing the military press. Military press is a humbling lift but it is without a doubt the best test of functional and integrated upper body pressing strength. Stabilizing the entire lift while on

Pre-Season, Block 5, Day 2

A light session to rest up from the heavy day yesterday. Use today to get out and scout some terrain for your big Saturday ruck. Hike for 60-90 minutes on variable terrain. No additional load.

Pre-season Training, Block 4, Day 6

Saturday is the most demanding day in our training program. This is the type of session that should test your will to persevere. Just because the pack is a little lighter means you get to

Pre-Season, Block 5, Day 1

Today is the first day of the last week in our Pre-Season 1 training cycle. That means we are going to do some testing. Our strength workouts will have you working to a heavy set

Pre-season Training, Block 4, Day 7

I keep talking about the importance of rest days not just as they relate to recovery but as a way to set yourself up for success in the coming week. Share in the comments something

Pre-season Training, Block 4, Day 5

Upper body strength, especially in the pull-up is massively underserved. Strength coaches talk about push-to-pull ratios all day long but rarely do we see a PRIORITY placed on upper body pulling strength. Hit this pull-up

Pre-season Training, Block 4, Day 4

This workout is meant to be quick and accessible. If you’re being honest with yourself, there is no excuse not to carve out 40-minutes to get this workout done. It’s not fancy, it’s not exciting,

Pre-season Training, Block 4, Day 3

The front squat is one of those exercises that is beloved by strength coaches for its ability to challenge many areas of the squat. Athletes, however, don’t always share the same affinity for the front

Pre-season Training, Block 4, Day 2

Time on our feet is becoming more and more important. Ideally, you’ll be hitting the trails today but a quick easy run will be a fine stand-in. Hike for 60-90 minutes on variable terrain. No