EP 247: Quick & Dirty with Wardo, Understanding “IT Band Syndrome”
You’ve probably had pain in the outside of your knee, and someone has told you it’s your IT band, right? Wrong… and Wardo is here to tell you why, and what you can do.
EP 246: Two Decades of Reflection with Chris Denham
Adam sits down with Chris Denham of Western Hunter & Western Hunter TV, Outdoorsmans, and Wilderness Athlete to discuss two decades of publishing and producing hunting content and the lessons learned along the way.
The Wind & The Wolves – A Hunter’s First Buck
Throughout North America, a hunter’s first buck often represents a right of passage — for many, it is a modern coming of age story. The passing of knowledge from generation to generation, securing food for …
EP 244: Climate Change & Dall’s Sheep, with Paul Forward, Roman Dial, and Tom Lohuis
Nolan sits down with Paul Forward, Roman Dial, and Tom Lohuis to discuss the impacts of climate change on Alaska’s Dall’s Sheep population.
EP 243 – Quick & Dirty with Wardo, Chronic Plantar Fasciitis
On this episode, Wardo dives in on chronic plantar fasciitis — what it is, foot mechanics involved, and how to manage it.
EP 242: Gear Q&A Pt 2
Nolan answers the remaining questions from the audience on gear, tactics, and horses. Audience questions are always encouraged!
EP 241 – Quick & Dirty with Wardo, Unpacking Sciatica
Wardo wades into the murky waters of Sciatica — one of the most common and contentious disabilities seen in North America — what can cause it, and how to deal with it.
EP 240: Q&A with NMO
Nolan answers a variety of questions from the audience on gear, guiding, and techniques
EP 239: Quick & Dirty with Wardo, Shoulder Recovery pt 1
Wardo shares the history of his shoulder injury — Superior Labrum Anterior and Posterior Tear and a partial tear in his Supraspinatus — the surgery, and his path to recovery.
EP 238: The Anatomy of a Mountain Rifle, with Omer Hrbinic
Nolan sits down with Omer Hrbinic — owner of Precision Optics and BC mountain hunting sage — to discuss the makings of a “perfect” mountain rifle. This one is long, but packed with info so …