2018 Skeena Region Mountain Goat Capture, By Krystal Dixon
British Columbia is home to over 50% of mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus) that are found globally, with an estimated half of those residing in the Skeena region (MOE 2010). Mountain goats are ranked S3 and …
Wild Game Curing Part 1, By Tina Windsor
I am not a hunter, in fact the only thing I’ve ever shot was a beer can from forty feet away. And that was only after missing two-dozen times. I worked as a ranch hand …
The Great Debate: To Score Or Not To Score, By Nolan Osborne
To classify all hunters with one broad stroke of a brush would be akin to using the term “mammal” as a descriptor for every ungulate in British Columbia. Certainly this term is not incorrect; it …