Memorial Stone, By Ken Kitzman
My first archery ram. Oh, how I dreamed of taking a ram with a bow. On my pack out this fall I came across a father and son on a horse trail, who told a …
By JOMH Editor on September 1, 2014
Settlin’ In The Colorado Rockies, By Trent Lowe
After two months of scouting public land in Western Colorado, my hopes were high for getting the opportunity at a 300 class bull in an OTC Archery Unit. During the summer I spent countless days hiking, glassing …
By JOMH Editor on September 1, 2014
Timberline And Summit, By William T. Hornaday, Sc.D. The world is full of one-eyed travelers. One of the strange things about such mountains as those of British Columbia is the wide variation between the impressions which they produce upon different people. I …
By JOMH Editor on September 1, 2014
Sambar Down Under, By James Barben
This hunt began many months before driving into the Alpine National Park, northeast of Melbourne, Australia. I knew it was going to be tough both mentally and physically, in part because the terrain is steep, …
By JOMH Editor on August 1, 2014
Temptation at Timberline, By Justin Stark
Like many hunters, Labor Day weekend is one of the most anticipated weekends of the year for me. It was especially so last year. As busy as I was with work, this would likely be …
By JOMH Editor on August 1, 2014
Ibex Shooting In The Thian Shan Mountains, By George L. Harrison Jr. In the late winter of 1908, Chew and I decided on a shooting trip in the following summer to the Thian Shan Mountains, in Chinese Turkestan, where we knew there were many ibex—carrying the …
By JOMH Editor on August 1, 2014
A Good December, By Charles E. Erickson, Jr.
For several years, I had been helping a friend of mine by the name of Mick Holder with cow work and such on his ranch in Gila County, near Globe, Arizona. I have been in …
By JOMH Editor on February 1, 2014