Initiation Of A Bowhunter, By Benjamin Cohen, USMC
My personal bowhunting story is an unconventional one filled with both defeat and success, a story I’m sure many new bowhunters will identify with. I often find myself thinking about why I wanted to start …
By JOMH Editor on January 1, 2015

The Dangerous River, Excerpt from Chapter Two – South Nahanni River
www.TouchWoodEditions.com I overslept and was roused at six by the sun, which was blazing down, as usual, out of a cloudless sky. A little after seven I hit the river and poled on up the …
By JOMH Editor on January 1, 2015
The Thunder Rolls – David Marsh’s Stance on Wolves
Out of sight we belly crawled to the top of a four foot snow drift. There, ranged at 200 yards, lay a pack of seven wolves curled up in the snow. We had already eased …
By JOMH Editor on December 1, 2014
Plan Like a Pro – An Excerpt From Larry Bartlett’s Upcoming Book Float Draggin’ Alaska
www.pristineventures.com My reputation as a Hunt Planner depends on my ability to plan like a professional, since each season many groups entrust me to remove the burden and unknowns of reaching Alaska and securing a …
By JOMH Editor on December 1, 2014
The Serengeti Of The North – Alan Dabb’s Spatsizi Safari
As I write this I sit before a breathtaking panorama, shades of red and gold, dotted with splotches of dark green where spruce and subalpine fir have disrupted the cover of willows and swamp birch …
By JOMH Editor on November 1, 2014
Three Hours in Spatsizi – A Hunter’s First Moose. Colin G.’s Spatsizi Plateau Wildnerness Hunt
Note: Colin is an Assistant Editor of The Journal of Mountain Hunting What struck me most the first morning of our Spatsizi fly-in hunt this September was the feeling of solitude. That and it was …
By JOMH Editor on November 1, 2014
Our Grizzly Hunt, By Robert J. Pentecost
www.boone-crockett.org Jason, my son, was then 12 years old; this was to be our first “real” hunt. He had hunted since he was seven years old, around our ranch in southern B.C. We had decided …
By JOMH Editor on November 1, 2014
Tim Loran’s Traditional Archery BC Goat Hunt
This hunt started when my long-time friend called to tell me the Permit to Accompany had been accepted and that he and I would be goat hunting in the mountains of BC this year. The …
By JOMH Editor on October 1, 2014
Elk Sherpa – Kevin Hilscher’s Kananaskis Country Elk Hunt (with support from Darrell Gaudet)
Hunting the Kananaskis area of the Alberta Rockies allows for a true backcountry hunting experience mere hours from a major city. The mountains, scenery, and relative lack of hunters due to vehicle and ATV access …
By JOMH Editor on October 1, 2014
A Great Mountain Sheep Hunt
www.historyofhunting.com In the late winter of 1908, Chew and I decided on a shooting trip in the following summer to the Thian Shan Mountains, in Chinese Turkestan, where we knew there were many ibex—carrying the …
By JOMH Editor on October 1, 2014