Release The Hounds, By Ryan Berard, Houndsman & Guide Outfitter
So you’ve seen pictures of big mountain lions and heard stories about chasing a pack of cougar hounds through the mountains and canyons of the west and you think you’d like to try it. Or …

An Interview with South Cox, Owner of Stalker Stickbows
www.stalkerstickbows.com Leafing through the pages of Traditional Bowhunter, you could easily swap out the dates from today to twenty years ago and not notice an obvious difference between the images and content covered then and …
Beyond The Kill At Sheep Show
As a member of multiple hunter conservationist organizations, I like to consider myself up to date on just how much time, energy and financial resources hunters actually put back into wildlife and their habitats. For …
Cannibalism, Op-ed By Editor In Chief Adam Janke
As hunters we face a brave new world each and every year as we ward off various threats to our lifestyle and the wildlife we love to pursue. Habitat loss due to urban sprawl and …
Science Behind Keeping Records, By Justin Sprigg
www.boone-crockett.org Boone and Crockett Club’s records-keeping system dates back to 1949 when a Boone and Crockett Club committee was tasked with developing a scoring method to rank North American trophies. Prior to that, trophies were …
An Interview with Peter Muennich, President and Founder of The Rocky Mountain Goat Alliance
www.goatalliance.org The mountain hunting is community is dominated by the wild sheep of the world. Hunters travel the globe in search of mature rams, spending exorbitant sums to chase these monarchs of the mountains and …
Backcountry Worthy Snowshoes
There are few pieces of equipment as intertwined with the history of Northern wilderness adventure and travel as the snowshoe. For centuries they have allowed humans to travel through winter conditions that would otherwise have …
An Interview with Jason Hairston
We live in an era of incredible change. What’s new becomes obsolete so quickly it can be near impossible to stay current with the most recent developments in a given product category or industry. The …
The Most Versatile Mountain Camo Pattern Part Two – Alpine Environment
In the second installment of our camo comparison we shot in very wet, overcast conditions in an alpine boulder field and scree slope. Here in BC there is often some greenery present well above 5,000 …
An Interview With Jim Shockey
www.jimshockey.com The term legend is not one we throw around loosely at the JOMH but in this case it’s the only applicable description of our interviewee. Part Thoreau, part Indiana Jones and pure hunter Jim …