Trail Snacks for Your Next Adventure, By Heather Kelly
Having healthy, delicious food on hand makes it easy to pack and go on your next outing, whether a single day or multiday adventure. One snack that I have always enjoyed is nut butter, since …

What Does It Mean to Have a Healthy Relationship With Food?
With the holidays swiftly approaching, there’s a lot of discussion around “guilt-free desserts” and “calorie-smashing workouts” to make up for our inevitable gluttony. While it’s all well and good to have healthy habits in place …
Savoring The Spoils – A Recipe Collection
This past summer, we were busy putting up as much food as we could for the anticipated long winter. Starting in March, we began starting seeds indoors. In April, we were preparing our garden beds …
Walking the Walk – Heather’s Alaskan Caribou Hunt
Editors Note: If you had any doubts about Heather’s commitment to hunting and the hunting community, this story should solidify her status as “one of us”. In lieu of Heather’s usual Forage submission we asked …
Harvesting & Lessons Learned (Fill More Than The Freezer – Part Two)
This spring, I wrote about the benefits of starting a garden to supplement a freezer full of healthy proteins. The project felt like a second job for the first couple of months, building raised beds, …
Gaining Weight The Right Way
While a lot of folks are concerned about dropping pounds, some of us might actually want to put on some weight; preferably lean muscle mass. Gaining weight (the kind you want) can be challenging. You …
It is amazing how alive everything feels in the summer. The days are longer, the plants around us are vibrant and green, wildlife is active, and you find yourself venturing outdoors every chance you get. …
Why Am I Always Sore?
One question I get from my very active nutrition clients all the time is, “Why do I always feel sore?” Now, if you ask a physical therapist, they might recommend working on your biomechanics. If …
Fill More Than the Freezer This Year
One thing I love about being involved with the hunting community is the emphasis on acquiring your own food. Hunters understand that their success in the field can either mean packing the freezer to the …
Eat Your Damn Liver! Why You Should Haul the Organs Home
I’m pretty notorious for encouraging my nutrition clients to eat weird stuff…like having canned salmon instead of whey protein after a hard workout, drinking bone broth by the gallon, having fermented foods like kombucha and …