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An Interview With Remi Warren, Host of Apex Predator

  www.remiwarren.com In our opinion there are few things as inspiring as the stories of those willing to take the path less traveled. The history books are full of examples of explorers, prospectors, pioneers, and

Magic Moment, By L. Victor Clark From The B&C Club’s “Big Trophies, Epic Hunts”

  www.boone-crockett.org In the early 70s I started hunting mule deer in the Pine Forest Range located in northern Nevada. Starting in 1973, every year for 20 years my wife Margie and I would spend


Terms like WOD, HIIT, Tabata and Work Capacity have become commonplace in training and conditioning discussions over the past few years. CrossFit and many other spin-offs have popularized these types of programs and indoctrinated the

Long Range About Face, By Editor In Chief Adam Janke

In the past few years the hunting industry has seen a particularly divisive trend emerge from the fringes to gain mainstream status. From rifles to optics and accessories, the long range shooting and hunting phenomenon

Training for Dynamic Environments Part 3

This is an example of what we call a “Bushman” session as it involves minimal equipment other than a set (2) of 20kg kettlebells (KB)s and some outdoor space, ideally with a small hill or

A Debt Paid In Stone, By Andrew Spear

It’s cold. The pain in my face has subsided after long days of working in the blowing snow, but Northern Alberta has finally afforded me the chance to do what I’ve been dreaming of for

Mackenzie Mountain Warrior, By Matt Jurad

It was a toss-up between the Northwest Territories (NWT) and the Yukon and I went with the Yukon. That was back in 2006, when I was trying to decide where I would go for my

Head To Head – The 6.5 -284 Norma Vs The .300 Win Mag, By Danen Lynn

The 6.5-284 Norma, popular among long range match shooters, has become one of Gunwerks’ favorite long range hunting cartridges. By the end of this article, you’ll be thinking good and hard about making this your

An Interview With Gray Thornton, CEO Of Wild Sheep Foundation

www.wildsheepfoundation.org Conservation in the modern sense can be a counter intuitive concept to many non-hunters. The idea that those that spend a large portion of their year planning, researching and preparing to kill the very

Notes on the Grizzly Bear – From Boone and Crockett Club’s Classics “Camp-Fires In The Canadian Rockies”

  www.historyofhunting.com In the United States, outside the Yellowstone Park and the Bitter Root Mountains, grizzly bears are now so very rare that it is almost impossible for a sportsman to go out and kill