Building Bombproof Knees, By Bryce Tang, Physiotherapist
The knee is the largest joint in the body and acts as the link between the upper and lower leg enabling you to transfer power from the big powerful muscles in the hips and butt, …
An Interview with Eric Frohardt, CEO of Strong First
www.strongfirst.com The fitness world is rife with fads, lousy advice and near useless products that profess to achieve maximum results with minimal time and effort. In the vast majority of cases the person, product or …
Training With Purpose
In today’s age we have no shortage of options. At the click of a button or the flick of a thumb we can browse a near endless array of sources and information on any given …
Bulletproofing Your Feet
They are without question the most complex piece of “equipment” you own and arguably the most important if you’re an avid mountain hunter. Each foot has 26 bones, 33 joints and over 100 hundred ligaments, …
Training The Mind
As discussed in Expect the Unexpected, effectively training for extended forays (5 days+) into the mountains or wilderness in search of game has few parallels in the conventional sporting or athletic sense. The demands on …
The Turkish Get Up – One Lift To Rule Them All
As noted in The 3 Most Important Lifts for the Hunter article, there are few exercises or lifts that target as many movements and muscle groups in one repetition as the Turkish Get-Up (TGU). In …
The Farmer’s Carry – King Of Weighted Carries
The farmer’s carry is a missing ingredient in many individual’s strength programs. The utter simplicity of walking with heavy weight and perfect posture can have profound effects on building muscle and solidifying a bullet proof …
The Deadlift Deconstructed
Over the next three Mountain Fitness columns we’re going to break down the lifts we outlined in last month’s “The 3 Most Important Lifts for the Hunter” article. But before we dive into the deadlift …
The 3 Most Important Lifts For The Hunter
Before diving into an in-depth series of articles explaining the training principles we outlined in last month’s Expect the Unexpected Mountain Fitness column, we wanted to cover a topic that was at the very core …
Expect The Unexpected – Training Principles for the Hunter Athlete
In the inaugural issue, we broadly covered the concept of the hunter athlete and how the demands of mountain, wilderness and backcountry hunting require a uniquely diverse spectrum of physical capabilities. Mountain and wilderness hunting …