Today’s upper push workout focuses on the vertical pressing pattern with some single-arm accessory work in the horizontal plane. Farmers carry round things out to challenge the grip and help build stability in the shoulders. Load those carries up and test your mettle.

3 sets:
5 reps, right side single-arm dumbbell press, no rest
50-feet, right side single-arm dumbbell overhead carry, no rest
5 reps, left side single-arm dumbbell press, no rest
50-feet, left side single-arm dumbbell overhead carry, no rest

4 sets: Military press x6 reps @22X1
Rest 90-seconds between sets
*Use a weight that feels like a 7-8/10 effort for all 4 sets

3 sets:
12 reps per side, Hips extended single-arm dumbbell bench press @30X1
No rest between sides, rest 60-seconds between sets
*Use a weight that feels like a 7-8/10 effort for all 3 sets

5 sets, AHAP (As Heavy As Possible):
20-meter farmers carry
Rest as needed between sets

Posted by Adam Janke

Challenge Accepted

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