Ready For Anything
It’s here. The season is upon us. Months if not years of planning and preparation have been dedicated to NOW. This is when it all comes together. We can talk about it, read about it, …

When Tension Is A Beautiful Thing, By Dr. Michael Hartle, Chief SFL
No, this isn’t a psychology lesson on stress. I am neither discussing different types of headaches, nor the strength properties of a barbell and its ability to resist bending and becoming permanently deformed. I am …
Stress Testing
If you’re reading this and headed North of the 60th parallel in the coming weeks I wish you the best of luck. For you, this month’s Mountain Fitness article will hopefully be confirmation of a …
So You Still Wanna Look Good Naked Eh?
In the first installment of this discussion on “pure” strength training versus a hypertrophy based approach we dug in on the qualitative differences between the two approaches. In Part 2 here, we’re going to dive …
So You Wanna Look Good Naked Eh?
Let’s be honest, most of us that give two shits about fitness on some level want to look good naked. It would be a bold faced lie to suggest otherwise. Need proof? Next time you’re …
The Secret to Fitness Success
We’re going to make a confession. Despite having very strong opinions on how to optimally train for mountain hunting, if you’re doing any form of physical training at this point in the year, you’re ahead …
Mountain Ready
When it comes to achieving our goals in the great outdoors the training philosophies that have been around for decades if not centuries rule the day. Unless you’re actually bodybuilding for competition purposes consider that …
Get the F@#K Outside
It happens every year but it still pisses us off. Riding the resolution wave, a higher than average number of hunting fitness posts have been popping up on the web and social media over the …

There Is No Off-Season
The word “season” has many uses in the English language. If we think about it within the context of change specifically it gives us an excellent frame of reference for how we should think about …
Train For Suboptimal Conditions
There’s a reason so many of us obsess over our apparel and layering systems. Mother Nature can be an utter and complete bitch. For most of us, spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on …