EP 344: BC Bighorns – Managing Access vs Managing Wildlife with Hunter Lampreau & Jeff Agostinho
NMO sits down with Hunter Lampreau & Jeff Agostinho to discuss the evolving and contentious matter of BC’s proposed Bighorn Sheep LEH in Reg 4, and BC’s continued history of managing for access vs managing …

EP 250: Hunting Cats & Helping Bighorn with Ben Stourac & Peter Gutsche
Nolan sits down with Peter Gutsche and Ben Stourac to talk about the effects of M.ovi (Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae) and predation on bighorn sheep, as well as their most recent cougar hunt. Ben is a career …
EP 248: Act Now with Chris Barker
Nolan sits down with Chris Barker of the Wild Sheep Society of BC to discuss the current Act Now campaign – a directive to ask our government to support science-based wildlife management.
EP 236: BC’s Wild Sheep with Josh Hamilton
Nolan sits down with Josh Hamilton from the Wild Sheep Society of British Columbia to talk about on-going projects, and the upcoming WSSBC Northern Fundraiser Auctions.
EP183: M.Ovi, COVID, and Conservation with WSF
In this episode, Adam sits down with Gray Thornton, Kevin Hurley, Clay Brewer and Kurt Alt from the Wild Sheep Foundation. Covering M.Ovi (wild sheep pneumonia), and COVID’s affect on conservation.
EP140: It’s Not About You with Gray Thornton
President and CEO of the Wild Sheep Foundation, Gray Thornton, is back on the show to discuss the incredible results from the 2019 Sheep Show, international conservation efforts, anti-hunters, and the selfish world view …