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An Interview With Jim Shockey

www.jimshockey.com The term legend is not one we throw around loosely at the JOMH but in this case it’s the only applicable description of our interviewee. Part Thoreau, part Indiana Jones and pure hunter Jim

The 3 Most Important Lifts For The Hunter

Before diving into an in-depth series of articles explaining the training principles we outlined in last month’s Expect the Unexpected Mountain Fitness column, we wanted to cover a topic that was at the very core

A Great Mountain Sheep Hunt

www.historyofhunting.com In the late winter of 1908, Chew and I decided on a shooting trip in the following summer to the Thian Shan Mountains, in Chinese Turkestan, where we knew there were many ibex—carrying the

Pemmican – The Original Energy Bar

First developed by the Aboriginal peoples of North America, pemmican was quickly adopted by the voyageurs and trappers of the 18th and 19th centuries and eventually Arctic and Antarctic explorers both past and present. In

Memorial Stone, By Ken Kitzman

My first archery ram.  Oh, how I dreamed of taking a ram with a bow. On my pack out this fall I came across a father and son on a horse trail, who told a

Settlin’ In The Colorado Rockies, By Trent Lowe

After two months of scouting public land in Western Colorado, my hopes were high for getting the opportunity at a 300 class bull in an OTC Archery Unit. During the summer I spent countless days hiking, glassing

Are You Ready?

There are few hunters who haven’t dreamed of one day traveling to a distant land in search of mountain game.  From the rugged and wet mountains of British Columbia to the high alpine of the

An Interview With Kurt Racicot, Founder of Stone Glacier Packs

www.StoneGlacier.com Selecting the appropriate pack for mountain or wilderness hunts can be a daunting task given the number of options available to today’s discerning hunter. Leaf through the pages of just about any current hunting

Expect The Unexpected – Training Principles for the Hunter Athlete

In the inaugural issue, we broadly covered the concept of the hunter athlete and how the demands of mountain, wilderness and backcountry hunting require a uniquely diverse spectrum of physical capabilities. Mountain and wilderness hunting

Timberline And Summit, By William T. Hornaday, Sc.D.

www.historyofhunting.com The world is full of one-eyed travelers. One of the strange things about such mountains as those of British Columbia is the wide variation between the impressions which they produce upon different people. I