Triggers: Killing Creep, By Bryden Richardson
A well-known pitfall with high-end friction-based triggers is their performance in harsh environments. You would be hard-pressed to find a serious hunter or competitive shooter who does not have a story about their trigger going down …
The Importance of Age Class
This is where the importance of age class comes in. Through selective hunting for mature animals, the impact of the harvest is diminished, even in the case of mistaken identification
Tackling New Areas, By Dustin Roe
Clients, other outfitters, and local hunters always ask me how I get it done in an area that I haven’t hunted before or know anything about. I usually don’t go into depth…but I will give …
280 AI My, My, My! By Ron Spomer
As sometimes happens in the world of rifle cartridges, the 280 AI (Ackley Improved) is becoming more popular than its parent, the excellent 280 Remington. Here’s why: 280 AI shoots 50 fps to 100 …
Shooting Under Pressure, By Aaron Davidson
I want to systematically explore air pressure topics so that we all have common nomenclature and a basic understanding of measurement and reporting systems. We will start with a general discussion of air pressure, definition …
Technology & The Purity of Experience, By Nolan Osborne
And yet, here we find ourselves. Under stars, older than the dirt beneath our feet. Surrounded by mountains that took shape before the first of our kind came into existence. Huddled around a campfire, as …
A (new) Case for the 30 Calibre, By Nolan Osborne
Rifle cartridges — for reasons unbeknownst to me — possess a sort of magical quality. The sort shared by a stray puppy, in that once they are brought into the home, they become family. Make …
Raising the Bar, By Adam Janke
I learned to hunt and shoot from my uncles. All but one, farmers. Like most farmers or ranchers, they had a connection to the land that few can grasp, unless they were raised in similar …
Arrow Lethality Part V, By Dr. Ed Ashby
Is there a way to predict, not infallibly, but with a high degree of reliability, the ability of a particular bow/arrow/broadhead combination to penetrate real animal tissue (hide, meat, fat, connective tissue, etc., and bone) …