Episode 109: Big Fish with an Even Bigger Impact
On this episode, Adam sits down on the banks of the Fraser River with three guys from the Wild Sheep Society of BC on day two of the Jurassic Classic fishing tournament. If you’re a …

Episode 108: The Evolution of a Hunter with Connor Gabbott
On this show, Adam is joined by his good friend and colleague, Connor Gabbott. Connor is one of the men behind the curtain at the JOMH and one hell of a talented dude when it …
Episode 107: Setting the FOC-ing Record Straight with Dr. Ed Ashby
On this show, Adam is joined by Dr. Ed Ashby, the man responsible for bringing FOC into the modern bowhunting vocabulary, and Garrett Schlief, the President of Grizzly Stik. If you’re a bowhunter, you will …
Episode 106: The Future of Hunting Media with Randy Newberg
There have never been more questions surrounding the future of the media business and Adam and Randy spend most of the episode exploring precisely this topic.
Episode 105: The Gloves Are Coming Off with Gray Thornton
On this show, Adam is joined by the President & CEO of the Wild Sheep Foundation, Gray Thornton. Adam and Gray spend the bulk of this episode covering two critically important subjects: the importance of …
Episode 104: Haida Gwaii Surf & Turf Trip Recap with Steven Drake
On this show, Adam is joined by Steven Drake to recap his recent trip to the islands of Haida Gwaii to chase Sitka blacktails. This was not your average blacktail hunt! Drake, Connor Gabbott, and …
Episode 103: Living A Wild Yukon Life with Greg McHale
On this episode, Adam is joined by Greg McHale. Greg is the host of Greg McHale’s Wild Yukon, an incredibly well produced show that just debuted on the Sportsman Channel. He is also a past …
Episode 102: The Guide Life with Nolan Osborne
On this show, Adam is joined by his good friend, and the star of Toeing the Line (TTL), Nolan Osborne. Anyone that has watched our TTL film will know that Nolan is one hell of …
Episode 101: A Systems Approach to Glassing
In this episode, Adam and Chris talk about the story behind The Outdoorsmans (you’ll want to hear that one), and then take a deep dive into all things glassing related. Growing up in Arizona, Chris …
Episode 100: The Return of Donnie Vincent
Here it is folks! Episode 100, a big milestone for the BTK show. First off, we wanted to extend a heart-felt thank you to everyone that has tuned in and supported the show over the …