Spences Bridge Sheep Count: Wild Sheep Society of British Columbia by Mark Trousdell
The Wild Sheep Society of BC hosts the annual Spences Bridge Sheep Count in early April of each year, volunteers dust off their binoculars and spotters and make the journey to Spences Bridge to locate, …

Wild Game Curing Part 2, By Tina Windsor
Fermented and dried meats aren’t cooked, and as such require different considerations than the sausages in the first article. Having never experimented with whole muscle curing wild game, my biggest concern was that there could …
2018 Skeena Region Mountain Goat Capture, By Krystal Dixon
British Columbia is home to over 50% of mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus) that are found globally, with an estimated half of those residing in the Skeena region (MOE 2010). Mountain goats are ranked S3 and …
Wild Game Curing Part 1, By Tina Windsor
I am not a hunter, in fact the only thing I’ve ever shot was a beer can from forty feet away. And that was only after missing two-dozen times. I worked as a ranch hand …
In Search of Something Beautiful, By Coley Gentzel
It has taken me a while to wrap my mind around what drew me to mountain hunting and what continues to bring me back. I may not ever fully understand this love, but I believe …
The DIY Guide to the Haul Road, By Steve Opat
I’ve made the trip up the James Dalton Highway, The Haul Road, a half dozen times and will certainly do so at least that many more before I ever leave Alaska. Each Haul Road venture …
The Hunting Industry – Savior or Saboteur? By Mark LR Hall
As 2017 was winding down, the host of a network TV hunting show posted pictures of himself with a cougar he hunted and shot in Alberta. Hang on, here we go again. 5, 4, 3, …
Marco Polo Hunting 101, By Bryan Martin
I doubt there is any serious sheep hunter that does not know what a Marco Polo Argali is, even if he or she never intends or dreams of hunting one of these impressive rams. It …