EP 278: Mindful Hunter – Identifying Mature Rams, with Clay Lancaster
Janke sits down with Jay Nichol of the Mindful Hunter Podcast to discuss a recent podcast he did with Clay Lancaster around field aging rams, before transitioning into that podcast itself.
EP 248: Act Now with Chris Barker
Nolan sits down with Chris Barker of the Wild Sheep Society of BC to discuss the current Act Now campaign – a directive to ask our government to support science-based wildlife management.
Talk is Sheep – Wild Sheep Society of BC
WSSBC’s Communication Committee sits down with Provincial Wild Sheep and Mountain Goat Specialist Bill Jex to talk about horn aging and an update on a WSSBC supported Stone Sheep Project in the Cassiars.
EP172: A Year in Review
On this Episode, Adam & Nolan talk through their hunting year. The highs and lows, as well as some highlight pieces of gear that stood out for them in 2019.