On this show, Adam sits down with past guest Chris Barker, and newcomer Kyle Stelter at the 25th Annual Kamloops Convention of the Wild Sheep Society of BC.

Both Chris and Kyle are actively involved with the WSSBC and wild sheep conservation in general, and Adam travelled up to Kamloops a couple weeks back to sit down with these two ardent conservationists to discuss the past, present and future of the WSSBC and why regardless of what province or state you call home, the wild sheep of BC need and deserve our support.

At the time of this interview (two weeks ago), the news out of Alaska that a deadly respiratory pathogen implicated in large scale die-offs of bighorns in the lower 48 states and BC and Alberta, had not yet been announced. In a sad twist of fate, Adam, Chris and Kyle discussed this very threat and how important it was for the hunting and conservation community to take this risk very seriously.

There is now no doubt that Canadian and Alaskan thinhorns need every ounce of support we can provide. Regardless of whether you’re a die-hard sheep nut, or simply hope to one day find yourself in sheep country this is a must-listen episode covering some critical topics related to the long-term sustainability of wild sheep in BC and across North America.

Web: www.wildsheepsociety.com

Instagram: @wildsheepsocietybc

Posted by Adam Janke