Wild Sheep Foundation Archives - Page 3 of 6 - Journal of Mountain Hunting

Nine Days in the Chugach: Part I by Adam Smith

  “Get the **** up!! Come on, you have to stand up!!!” Blake’s urgent yell was of no help. I had made it 90% of the way across the waist deep, rampant, glacial stream when

Reflections: A Caribou Hunt, By Scott Keim

It was September, and the mountains stood perfectly calm around us. The silence broken only by the intermittent croak of a ptarmigan. A ceiling of light clouds hovered above us in the brisk morning air.

Highs, Lows, and In-Betweens, By Hunter Lampreau

Three years ago, my lifelong hunting mentor and — conveniently — my Father, George Lampreau, asked me if I wanted to put a Limited Entry Hunt (LEH) application in for any specific unit in B.C.

The Trail Less Traveled, By Scott Albertson

British Columbia, as most of you know, is a mountain hunters dream come true. Covering a vast 944,735 km2, and made up of 94% public land the options are seemingly endless come hunting season. Yet,

2018 Skeena Region Mountain Goat Capture, By Krystal Dixon

British Columbia is home to over 50% of mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus) that are found globally, with an estimated half of those residing in the Skeena region (MOE 2010). Mountain goats are ranked S3 and

This is Hunting, By Robbie Kroger

The stereotypical picture of hunting isn’t always the most truthful one. There is a perceived idea in the hunting and non-hunting communities of what hunting is — that hunting is about killing. This label is

Wild Game Curing Part 1, By Tina Windsor

I am not a hunter, in fact the only thing I’ve ever shot was a beer can from forty feet away. And that was only after missing two-dozen times. I worked as a ranch hand

Breaking News: Deadly Pathogen Confirmed for First Time in Alaska Dall’s Sheep and Mountain Goats

On March 13th, 2018, the Wild Sheep Foundation (WSF) was notified by Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) officials that Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae (commonly referred to as M.ovi) has been documented in at least 4

The Great Debate: To Score Or Not To Score, By Nolan Osborne

To classify all hunters with one broad stroke of a brush would be akin to using the term “mammal” as a descriptor for every ungulate in British Columbia. Certainly this term is not incorrect; it

Mexico’s Wild Desert Sheep, By Alberto Tapia Landeros

Since boyhood I had heard and read stories about sheep hunting. My favorite storyteller was, and is, Mr. Jack O’Connor. In my early life as a hunter, I knew I would never have the chance